2022 #PleinAirpril Challenge Guidelines

Thank you all for participating! Because of you, we had another amazing April!
Check out the winner list (and judging process) here!

To celebrate Earth Day and engage with plein-air enthusiasts across the globe, Warrior Painters initiated the #PleinAirpril Challenge in 2017. The #PleinAirpril Challenge is an Instagram campaign that challenges artists and painting enthusiasts to paint and share one plein-air painting a day during the month of April. Participants who complete the challenge have a chance to win prizes provided by sponsors. Over the past six years, thousands of artists worldwide have participated in the challenge! Explore the hashtag: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/pleinairpril/

Below are the challenge guidelines. Please read them carefully if you intend to participate to win a prize. If you just want to participate for fun, you can skip the reading and use #PleinAirpril on your Instagram posts and get discovered by other participants!

    (Tip: These themes are open to interpretation.)

This post is for #PleinAirpril, organized by @warriorpainters and supported by @procreate @blickartmaterials @warriorartcamp @huiontablet @graphixly @tourboxofficial @cupeasels @winsorandnewton @etchr_studio @heavypaintapp @cottonwoodartsbook

    (Tip: Copy-paste to save it in your device so that it's convenient when you post!)

*The #PleinAirpril Challenge is open to painters of all levels, from anywhere in the world. However, Winsor & Newton prizes can only be shipped to a US or Canada address; Etchr Studio Sketchbooks have special shipping limitations, see here; Cottonwood Arts prizes can only be picked up in Los Angeles. Other prizes can be shipped/emailed to anywhere in the world. Winsor & Newton Oil Gift Pack is for participants who painted 10+ oil paintings only. TourBox NEO prizes are for participants who paint with desktop digital painting programs.

Important Notes:

** Paintings done from life are those landscape paintings done on location or still life paintings that fit the themes.

 Our Awesome 2022 Sponsors 

Watch Recorded 2022 #PleinAirpril Demos here: